How to make time for fitness

It can be hard to stick to a routine with so many other commitments. Work takes up a large portion of most peoples time, spending time with friends and family, time for yourself as well, and trying to keep an adequate sleeping routine. There's only so much time for it all! But it can be possible to fit in fitness as well, especially when you prioritize!
Limit phone and screen time
We all unfortunately spend too much time on screens these days. Just check your screen time right now and then come back to read the rest.. It's just so easy to scroll or watch videos or Netflix. BUT when we really are intentional about setting a limit or putting our phones down at a certain time, we can reduce this significantly. Especially spending less time on our phones before bed will really help with the last thing on this list!
Schedule your workouts
When we set a specific day and time for our workouts then we can also schedule the rest of our day around it. Set some time aside on Sunday and schedule your whole week with all you gotta do. Schedule in your rest time also so that way you have a productive week but also gave yourself time to recover.
Get friends and family involved
Suggest activities you can do together! If you're catching up with a friend, go on a hike. Plan a family outing to the golf course. Take your kids to an indoor trampoline park and jump wit them (harder than it looks I swear)
Here are a few ideas where you can be active with friends and family:
- take a dance class
- play a sport
- join a fitness class
- rock climbing
- laser tag
- rollerskate rink
- axe throwing
- arcades
- jump rope
- canoeing or kayaking
Make the most out of your commute
Maybe biking isn't an option to get to work (if you don't have a place to clean yourself up, or the route is too far or dangerous). But maybe you can park a few blocks away, or get off a stop early and walk a few blocks. You might think its not signifiant enough to make a different but it does. Try taking more stairs instead of elevators as well. Yes, even if you're on the 14th floor, good luck!
Wake up earlier
Honestly, this is probably the hardest one to start. But also probably the best one also because there's so many benefits to morning workouts! It feels so good to get it done and out of the way, then you have your evening to yourself! The harsest part it starting but once you've got the routine, it becomes so much easier! Give it a try :)
Maida, Founder and Owner
Women Who Lift
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